Notice was delivered by the Federación Marítima Portuaria y de la Industria Naval de la República Argentina (Fempinra).
The Federación Marítima Portuaria y de la Industria Naval de la República Argentina (Fempinra), announced a schedule of strikes for an indefinite period of time, which will impact the Hidrovía and the port terminals of Gran Rosario. The actions will begin on Monday, April 17, and then will continue to be established week by week, reported Puntobiz.
The measure reportedly seeks the repeal of Decree 870/18, which is still in force at the Port of Buenos Aires and defines the use of a single terminal. In addition, they are asking for a solution to the income tax paid by workers in the sector.
Another of the demands responds to the request for the participation of workers in the Hidrovía. Juan Carlos Schmid, General Secretary of the Federation and of the Sindicato del Personal Embarcado de Dragado y Balizamiento, said that “this 2023 I will continue to put the problems faced by our sector on the agenda of Transportation”.
Next Monday the activities of the grain ports and the Waterway will be paralyzed by the Union of Grain Receivers and Annexes of the Argentine Republic (URGARA). On Wednesday 19 the dockers will carry out a strike in the terminals of the port of Buenos Aires. And on Friday 21 the actions will end with a strike in the activities of the Río Santiago Shipyard.