Despite the insistent claims of the Paraguayan government, the measure has been applied since this month. Billing is monthly and will be effective as of February 1.


After the LVII Meeting of the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway Agreement Commission, held urgently at the request of the neighboring country last Thursday, Argentina’s refusal to repeal the toll that has been applied since this month on a section of the waterway and which will charge starting next week.

The Paraguayan delegation reiterated its rejection “of the administrative provisions issued by the Argentine Ministry of Transportation (resolutions number 625/2022 and 1023/2022),” the Paraguayan Foreign Ministry reported in a statement.


In addition, in its message, the Paraguayan Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted that, after exposing the negative effects that the unilateral Argentine measure will cause to Paraguayan trade, there was support from the delegations of Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay, regarding the above, “as well as the request made to the Argentine authorities to suspend the measure.” In any case, the national government maintained its position.


Paraguay reiterated the current rules of the Santa Cruz de la Sierra Agreement, “which safeguard the freedom of navigation and transit through the waterway of the vessels, goods and people of the signatory countries.” “These provisions establish, among other things, that the remuneration rate may only be charged for the services actually provided, without discrimination due to the origin of the cargo from the points of departure, entry, exit or destination or any circumstance related to the ownership of the merchandise, the vessels or the nationality of the people”, highlighted the Foreign Ministry in its statement.


Argentina established the charge of USD 1.47 per net registered ton for vessels flying the international flag that sail in the Puerto de Santa Fe-Confluencia section (Paraguay-Paraná waterway).


On the point, Juan Carlos Muñoz, representative of the National Administration of Navigation and Ports (ANNP), lamented the situation that involves transit through the waterway. In addition, he reported that there are dozens of judicial appeals filed before the Argentine Justice to stop the collection, and that they must be resolved soon. “It’s a shame what’s happening,” he said.


Argentina established the charge of USD 1.47 per net registered ton for vessels flying the international flag that sail in the Puerto de Santa Fe-Confluencia section (Paraguay-Paraná waterway).


At the point, Juan Carlos Muñoz, representative of the National Administration of Navigation and Ports (ANNP), lamented the situation that involves transit through the waterway. In addition, he reported that there are dozens of judicial appeals filed before the Argentine Justice to stop the collection, and that they must be resolved soon. “It’s a shame what’s happening,” he said.